%11The program for deployment "%1" could not be executed ("%4" - "%5").%12Additional program properties: Command line: %2 Working directory: %3 The command line for the program cannot be executed successfully. Possible cause: This error can be caused by an invalid executable file specified in the command line (such as an x64-based executable file on an x86-based computer) or by a corrupt executable file. This error can also be caused if the program is executed from a remote session. Solution: Make sure that the executable file specified in the program's command line is valid for the computer on which it is attempting to run. Also, manually verify that the specified command line can be executed from within the original content source directory. If necessary, modify the program properties, the content source files, or both. If changes to the content source files are required, update all of the content's distribution points with the new version of the content source files before retrying execution on the client. This program will be retried. %0
The program for deployment "%1" ("%4" - "%5") returned an exit code of "%2"("%12"), which indicates the operation was successful ...
The program for deployment "%1" completed successfully ("%4" - "%5"). The success description was "%3%7%8%9". User context: ...
The program for deployment "%1" completed successfully ("%4" - "%5"). User context: %9%12 Configuration Manager determines ...
The program for deployment "%1" could not be executed ("%4" - "%5").%12Additional program properties: Command line: %2 Working ...
The program for deployment "%1" could not be executed ("%4" - "%5").%12Additional program properties: Command line: %2 Working ...
The program for deployment "%1" failed ("%4" - "%5"). A failure exit code of %2 was returned. User context: %9%12 Possible ...
The program for deployment "%1" failed ("%4" - "%5"). A failure exit code of %2 was returned. User context: %9%12 Possible ...
The program for deployment "%1" failed ("%4" - "%5"). Operating System Deployment task sequences cannot run when the computer ...
The program for deployment "%1" failed ("%4" - "%5"). The failure description was "%3%7%8%9". User context: %2%12 Possible ...