Value for the feature set option should be between 0 and 3. To combine feature sets append the option values delimited by space character within quotes . Example -f "2 3" implies keep indexed views and partitions
Validation skipped. This validation was skipped because the SQL Server version validation step failed. Correct the failure ...
Validation skipped. This validation was skipped because the user permissions validation step failed. Correct the failure ...
Validation will occur the next time the Distribution Agents run. The results will be available in Replication Monitor. Note ...
VALIDMEASURE=1= Tuple =Returns a value computed at the granularity of the measure group without unrelated dimensions and/or ...
Value for the feature set option should be between 0 and 3. To combine feature sets append the option values delimited by ...
Value of property {0} is not in a committed state. Configuration value = {1}, Run value = {2}. Before policies can evaluate ...
Value representing the type of the object involved in the event. This value corresponds to the type column in sysobjects. ...
VAR=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. ...
VarArgs - Is list of Variant expression, of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit ...