{To change the frequency of this recurring task, Project must reschedule all unstarted occurrences.}To have Project delete all current unstarted occurrences of the recurring task and replace them with new occurrences based on the new schedule criteria, click OK. If you do not want to change the frequency of this recurring task, click Cancel.
To change objects to inline and remove text wrapping: 1) Select the object and right-click. 2) Point to Wrap Text and choose ...
To change the alignment of this border, click on this text with the right mouse button, and choose Cell Properties. Then ...
To change the connection properties, a system instance is required in Business Data Connectivity for this system definition. ...
To change the description or source group for this content index, type the new description in the appropriate box. Renaming ...
To change the frequency of this recurring task, Project must reschedule all unstarted occurrences.}To have Project delete ...
To change the language of text in your document, select the text, point to Language on the Tools menu, and then click Set ...
To change the name of the template part, open the template part in design mode and change the name in the File Properties ...
To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on the Page Layout tab. To change the looks available ...
To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on the Page Layout tab. To change the looks available ...