%11A database problem was encountered while the application was transferring data (SQL="%1").%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: Verify the following: 1. This computer can reach the SQL Server computer. 2. SQL Server services are running. 3. SMS can access the SMS site database. 4. The SMS site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. 5. There are at least 50 SQL Server user connections, plus 5 for each SMS Administrator console. After you verify the above, or if the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs.%0
A database problem was encountered while the application was flagging NONLIC records (SQL="%1").%12 Possible cause: SQL Server ...
A database problem was encountered while the application was initializing the software metering databases (SQL="%1").%12%0 ...
A database problem was encountered while the application was purging records from the site server (SQL="%1").%12 Possible ...
A database problem was encountered while the application was rolling back the software metering databases (SQL="%1").%12%0 ...
A database problem was encountered while the application was transferring data (SQL="%1").%12 Possible cause: SQL Server ...
A failure occurred receiving the parcel. This is most likely caused by drive %s being write-protected or full. Please ensure ...
A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for a site system on the intranet is required for many scenarios, and is a best practice ...
A local fixed drive must be specified. A network location or a drive containing removable media such as a floppy or compact ...
A management point is not selected. Select a management point from the list, or add a management point for this site and ...