This file is already part of a Document Workspace. If you choose to make workspace updates available for this file, you will disconnect it from its original workspace. Do you want to continue?
This file does not appear to be a (!idspnOneNote) file: |0 Do you want to try to open it anyway? (!idspnOneNote) may need ...
This file does not appear to be a valid (!idspnOneNote) section file. It may be a file of another type that has been renamed ...
This file has already been packed. Are you sure you want to continue? To pack your publication again, click OK. To return ...
This file has missing or invalid properties that are not displayed in the current Document Information Panel view. To locate ...
This file is already part of a Document Workspace. If you choose to make workspace updates available for this file, you will ...
This file is automatically created and modified by (!idspnInfoPath_NV). Changes made to the file outside of (!idspnInfoPath) ...
This file is automatically created and modified by Microsoft InfoPath. Changes made to the file outside of InfoPath might ...
This file is automatically created and modified by Microsoft InfoPath. Changes made to the file outside of Microsoft InfoPath ...
This file is automatically created and modified by Microsoft Office InfoPath. Changes made to the file outside of InfoPath ...