You cannot delete this form because it is the only fallback form of type {0} for the {1} entity. Each entity must have at least one fallback form for each form type.
You cannot delete this benefit type because it is associated with one or more benefit plans. Delete the plans from the type, ...
You cannot delete this billing code version because it is associated with the %1 billing classification. Remove the billing ...
You cannot delete this budget code because it is the default code for the budget type. To delete this code, you must designate ...
You cannot delete this compensation group because it is assigned to one or more forecast positions. Remove the references ...
You cannot delete this form because it is the only fallback form of type {0} for the {1} entity. Each entity must have at ...
You cannot delete this invoice because there are future invoices that are not posted. To delete this recurring invoice, delete ...
You cannot delete this level because it is assigned to one or more forecast positions. Remove the references to this level ...
You cannot delete this line as the confirmed Purchase Order %1 is associated with it. Please cancel the associated Purchase ...
You cannot delete this option because it is associated with one or more plans. Remove the association with the plan, and ...