Whole number (no decimal places);0;Floating-point number (variable decimal places);1;Fixed-point number (6 decimal places);2
Where clauses must contain at least one field reference that includes the table name. For example, "Contacts.Email". You ...
Which column contains the value that you want to be included in your lookup? This will be the column that you will see when ...
Which record has the right information for this primary key field value? You can accept the wizard's suggestion or click ...
While renaming a sheet, you entered an invalid name. Make sure the name does not exceed 31 characters. Make sure the name ...
Whole number (no decimal places);0;Floating-point number (variable decimal places);1;Fixed-point number (6 decimal places);2 ...
won't be able to undo this action or subsequent actions. To make more resources available so that Access can record further ...
Workgroup Administrator couldn't create the workgroup information file. Make sure that you have specified a valid path and ...
You already assigned the key or key combination |1 in |2 to another macro.@Only the first key or key combination will be ...
You already have a form in your database called '|'. You must delete or rename this form before the Switchboard Manager can ...