%11SMS NT Logon Server Manager successfully modified logon scripts for %1 users and failed to modify logon scripts for %2 users. SMS NT Logon Server Manager examined a total of %3 users in the Windows NT domain %4, and modified %5 files.%0
SMS NT Logon Server Manager failed to read the site control file.%12 Possible cause: The file exists, but it is corrupt. ...
SMS NT Logon Server Manager failed to update the site control file.%12 Possible cause: Low disk space on the drive containing ...
SMS NT Logon Server Manager is beginning a processing cycle for all of the domains configured for the Windows Networking ...
SMS NT Logon Server Manager is beginning a processing cycle for domain "%1", which includes: 1. Enumerating the domain controllers ...
SMS NT Logon Server Manager successfully modified logon scripts for %1 users and failed to modify logon scripts for %2 users. ...
SMS NT Logon Server Manager will configure the following domains to no longer use the Windows Networking Logon Discovery ...
SMS NT Logon Server Manager will configure the following domains to use the Windows Networking Logon Discovery and/or Client ...
SMS NT User Discovery Agent failed to determine the trusted domains for the domain %1. Therefore, no users from the trusted ...
SMS NT User Discovery Agent failed to enumerate users from the domain %1. No users from the trusted domains will be discovered.%12 ...