Usage: ClmUtil [Options] -deletecertificate CAMachine CertHash Deletes a request from the specified CA and the associated certificate in the FIM CM database. Only requests external to FIM CM can be deleted from the CA and the FIM CM database. CAUTION: Run in test mode before deleting requests. CAMachine is the path to the CA CertHash the hash of the certificate to be deleted Options: source - ca | clm | both (default) test Examples: ClmUtil -test -deletecertificate estCA 37760bc30f6610bad0808044339b6a36703de002 Displays information on what will be deleted from the CA and FIM CM. ClmUtil -deletecertificate estCA 37760bc30f6610bad0808044339b6a36703de002 Deletes the certificate with hash 37760bc30f6610bad0808044339b6a36703de002 from the FIM CM Certificates table in addition to deleting the certificate from the estCA Certificate Authority. ClmUtil -clm -deletecertificate estCA 2d9118b020398da1db8af34846bab5ed8c37129c Deletes the certificate with hash 2d9118b020398da1db8af34846bab5ed8c37129c from the FIM CM Certificates table. If the certificate exists in the Certificate Authority, it will NOT be deleted. ClmUtil -ca -deletecertificate estCA 2d9118b020398da1db8af34846bab5ed8c37129c Deletes the certificate with hash 2d9118b020398da1db8af34846bab5ed8c37129c from the estCA Certificate Authority. If the certificate exists in the FIM CM Certificates table it will NOT be deleted. ClmUtil -? -- Display verb list ClmUtil -deletecertificate -? -- Display help text for 'deletecertificate' command
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Usage: ClmUtil Options -deletecertificate CAMachine CertHash Deletes a request from the specified CA and the associated certificate ...
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