Failed to create a kernel transaction for the commit operation. The commit operation will proceed without a kernel transaction.
Failed to connect to the primary domain controller and raise the domain functional level. Verify that the Active Directory ...
Failed to connect to the schema operations master and raise the forest functional level. Verify that the Active Directory ...
Failed to connect to the Windows Internal Database. Please verify if the Windows Internal Database is installed on the machine ...
Failed to convert the caller provided TIP Transaction URL into a valid MS DTC Transaction Id. This error is unexpected because ...
Failed to create a kernel transaction for the commit operation. The commit operation will proceed without a kernel transaction. ...
Failed to create a new NLB cluster on the interface specified because the interface has DHCP enabled. Please specify a static ...
Failed to create directory '{0}'. Management Service (WMSVC) startup failed. Please ensure that the ACLs on the path permit ...
Failed to create Phase2Init event in WaitForSpoolerInitialization: Error %2. This can occur because of system instability ...
failed to create security identifier mapping from '%3' to %4 because it is already mapped to another name. (Virtual machine ...