Cannot connect to '{0}'. Please make sure the Post-Installation task is completed successfully in that server. If it was, please verify if the server is using another port or different Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) setting.
Cannot complete pipeline operation because it hasn't been started yet. You must call the Begin() method before calling End() ...
Cannot complete this operation because an Updating Run is in progress. You can either wait for the run to complete or cancel ...
Cannot complete this operation because leftover state from a previous Updating Run has been detected. Use Invoke-CauRun -ForceRecovery ...
Cannot connect to '{0}'. A secure channel could not be established to the server. Please verify that SSL settings on the ...
Cannot connect to '{0}'. Please make sure the Post-Installation task is completed successfully in that server. If it was, ...
Cannot connect to '{0}'. SQL server may not be running on the server. Please verify that SQL Server is running and configured ...
Cannot connect to '{0}'. The proxy prohibits connection to the server. Please verify that your proxy settings are correct ...
Cannot connect to '{0}'. The proxy server could not be contacted. Please verify that your Internet Explorer proxy settings ...
Cannot connect to '{0}'. The remote server could not be contacted. Please verify that IIS on the server is correctly configured ...