A new version of Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent is available. You can review details about the new version and download it from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=229525.
A DPM agent failed to communicate with the DPM service on %1 because of a communication error. Make sure that %1 is remotely ...
A DPM agent failed to communicate with the DPM service on %1 because the host is unreachable. Make sure that %1 is online ...
A failure occurred while adding one or more of the volumes involved in backup operation to the snapshot set. Please check ...
A new recovery point could not be created as Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent has detected data corruption when verifying ...
A new version of Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent is available. You can review details about the new version and download ...
A partial backup will be stored so that you can restart the backup from this point. Do you still want to cancel this backup ...
A regular scheduled backup is configured for this server. Destination usage reflects how the backups from this server are ...
A restart is required to complete the installation of Visual C++ redistributable. Restart the computer and run the Windows ...
A valid certificate for Recovery Service registration has the following properties: 1.The certificate has not expired. 2.The ...