Deleting a retail topology will not remove the roles that are assigned to a computer. Reimport other topologies to ensure that the appropriate roles are assigned to every computer.
Database components include the Microsoft Dynamics AX database, which contains business data, and the model store, which ...
Database name', 'Offline user' and 'Offline provisioning user' are all mandatory fields for offline database configuration ...
Delete operations are not allowed across companies. Please use changecompany keyword to change the current company before ...
Deleted %1 attribute group(s). The other %2 attribute group(s) are inherited and cannot be deleted from this retail category. ...
Deleting a retail topology will not remove the roles that are assigned to a computer. Reimport other topologies to ensure ...
Deleting the enabled price adjustment might affect prices. However, new price labels will not be generated automatically. ...
Deployment information for computer with friendlyName '{0}' cannot be found. Check that computer is specified in any of AX ...
Deposit override is only available for new orders, existing orders and pick-up orders, if deposit override was used at the ...
Determines if fields for the referenced table or view can be individually selected, or always correspond exactly to the contents ...