Specifies the amount of time for Automatic Updates to wait before prompting again with a scheduled restart. If the status is set to Enabled, a scheduled restart will occur the specified number of minutes after the previous prompt for restart was postponed. If the status is set to Disabled or Not Configured, the default interval is 10 minutes. Note: This policy applies only when Automatic Updates is configured to perform scheduled installations of updates. If the "Configure Automatic Updates" policy is disabled, this policy has no effect. This policy has no effect on Windows RT
Specifies the active process limit for the job. If you try to associate a process with a job, and this causes the active ...
Specifies the address of the last memory error. The type of error is described by the ErrorInfo property. If the ErrorInfo ...
Specifies the address of the RD Gateway server that clients must use when attempting to connect to an RD Session Host server. ...
Specifies the amount of time for Automatic Updates to wait before proceeding with a scheduled restart. If the status is set ...
Specifies the amount of time for Automatic Updates to wait before prompting again with a scheduled restart. If the status ...
Specifies the amount of time for Automatic Updates to wait, following system startup, before proceeding with a scheduled ...
Specifies the async control character map that the Ascend PPP implementation must use during the PPP session (Ascend NAS ...
Specifies the Audit Permissions for failure. The permissions are a combination of one or more of the following:WINSTATION_QUERY, ...
Specifies the Audit Permissions for success. The permissions are a combination of one or more of the following:WINSTATION_QUERY, ...