To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.
To accept the invitation, the recipient's email address must be a valid Microsoft account. If the email address is not a ...
To access Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services, you must associate your Windows Live ID with a Microsoft Dynamics profile. ...
To access the post list, select the Down arrow. To navigate between posts, use the Up/Down arrow keys. To open post details, ...
To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles , authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow ...
To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles , authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition ...
To activate the sales prices and/or line discounts, you must apply the relevant %1(s) to the %2 and place a check mark in ...
To add a new user record, enter the information and then click Add. To edit user information, select the user on the right, ...
To add a product you must first select a price list. The price list field has been removed from this form. Contact your Microsoft ...
To add hour estimates to this project, close the work breakdown structure form and update the project in Microsoft Project. ...