The {0} drive on server {1} has insufficient space to create the data ({2:0.#} GB) and log ({3:0.#} GB) files. The available space is {4:0.#} GB.
The XPathSelect specified is not valid. XPath query '{0}' returned an XML fragment. Overrides are only allowed for basic ...
The XPathSelector ({0}) specified is not valid. Multiple queries have been specified in a single XPathSelectorNode node. ...
The {0} drive on server {1} does not have enough space to create the data file ({2:0.#} GB). The available free space is ...
The {0} drive on server {1} does not have enough space to create the log file ({2:0.#} GB). The available free space is {3:0.#} ...
The {0} drive on server {1} has insufficient space to create the data ({2:0.#} GB) and log ({3:0.#} GB) files. The available ...
The {ActivityName} activity cannot find the computer {ComputerName} in the Computers container of the Active Directory forest ...
The {ActivityName} activity cannot find the domain controller {ADServer}. Check the domain controller used to access Active ...
The {ActivityName} activity cannot find the domain {AffectedUserDomain}. Check the name of the DNS domain of the affected ...
The {ActivityName} activity cannot find the domain {UserDomain} in the Active Directory forest supported by the domain controller ...