You have an existing deployment of SharePoint Products, and you want to use that deployment to support creation of team projects in Team Foundation Server.
You don't have permission to update the information in the Meeting Workspace. The workspace administrator must assign you ...
You have a high proportion of samples in Kernel Mode. This might indicate a high volume of I/O activity or a high rate of ...
You have already selected an unsaved query. If you select another query from below, you will not be able to revert to the ...
You have an existing deployment of SharePoint Products, and you want to use that deployment to support creation of team projects ...
You have an existing deployment of SharePoint Products, and you want to use that deployment to support creation of team projects ...
You have an open activity for your current project. To change your context to a different project, you must provide the necessary ...
You have an open activity for your current team project. To open this test result, the context has to be changed to a different ...
You have attempted to share a project or executable item, %s, which can be potentially dangerous. The selected project will ...
You have attempted to use a rendering extension that is either not registered for this report server or it is not supported ...