This workbook contains an XLM formula in a defined name that doesn't work in {0:ExcelWebApp}. If you have desktop {0:Excel}, open the file there.
This workbook contains a query that is currently being edited by Microsoft Query. Changes made to this query will not be ...
This workbook contains a type of macro (Microsoft Excel version 4.0 macro) that cannot be disabled. There may be viruses ...
This workbook contains a user form or class module, which may include unsafe macros. Keep the VBA project in this workbook ...
This workbook contains a user form or class module. To disable potentially unsafe macros, the VBA project must be removed ...
This workbook contains an XLM formula in a defined name that doesn't work in {0:ExcelWebApp}. If you have desktop {0:Excel}, ...
This workbook contains both links and query parameter references to other data sources. If you update the links, Excel attempts ...
This workbook contains both links and query parameter references to other data sources.- To update all linked information, ...
This workbook contains calendar formatting that is not supported in this version of Excel. Dates in unsupported calendars ...
This workbook contains charts with more data points than can be displayed by earlier versions of Excel. Only the first 32,000 ...