Failed to add the IP Address '%2' for Disjoint IP address resource '%1' (error code was '%3'). Check for hardware or software errors related to the physical or virtual network adapters.
Failed to add port rule with IP address '{0}' on node '{1}' on cluster '{2}'. Please enable debug output to see more details ...
Failed to add principal {0} to silo {1} due to the following error: {3}. The principal's silo membership will not be effective ...
Failed to add profile "%1!s!". A profile with this name already exists in group policy or different user scope and cannot ...
Failed to add Security Association to IPsec Driver. The most common cause for this is if the IKE negotiation took too long ...
Failed to add the IP Address '%2' for Disjoint IP address resource '%1' (error code was '%3'). Check for hardware or software ...
Failed to add the signing key on zone %1 on server %2. A maximum of three signing keys can be specified for each of the available ...
Failed to add virtual desktop {0} to collection. Check that this virtual desktop is configured properly and is not in running ...
Failed to add virtual IP address '{0}' on node '{1}' on cluster '{2}'. Please enable debug output to see more details on ...
Failed to add virtual IP address '{0}' to cluster '{1} because subnet mask is required to perform the operation. Please specify ...