Your organization is not configured to allow access to the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace website. To access the website, the marketSettings.InternetConnectionProxyEndpoint attribute must be set to the URL for your proxy server. The attribute can be set using the Set-CrmSetting cmdlet.
Your organization has the minimum amount of storage allowed. You can remove only storage that has been added to your organization, ...
Your organization is being updated. You cannot make changes to your subscription until the update is complete. Please try ...
Your organization is being updated. You cannot make changes to your subscription until the update is complete. Please try ...
Your organization is not configured to allow access to the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace website. Contact your system administrator ...
Your organization is not configured to allow access to the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace website. To access the website, ...
Your organization no longer has a valid service plan. Your most recent valid service plan expired on {0}. Your access to ...
Your organization no longer has a valid service plan. Your most recent valid service plan expired on {0}. Your account name ...
Your organization requires you to select an action type when you change compensation. Select an action type, and then click ...
Your organization requires you to select an action type when you create a new position. Select an action type and then enter ...