Enumeration indicating whether the ComputerSystem is a special-purpose System (ie, dedicated to a particular use), versus ...

Enumeration indicating whether the ComputerSystem is a special-purpose System (ie, dedicated to a particular use), versus being 'general purpose'. For example, one could specify that the System is dedicated to \"Print\" (value=11) or acts as a \"Hub\" (value=8).  A clarification is needed with respect to the value 17 (\"Mobile User Device\"). An example of a dedicated user device is a mobile phone or a barcode scanner in a store that communicates via radio frequency. These systems are quite limited in functionality and programmability, and are not considered 'general purpose' computing platforms. Alternately, an example of a mobile system that is 'general purpose' (i.e., is NOT dedicated) is a hand-held computer. Although limited in its programmability, new software can be downloaded and its functionality expanded by the user.
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