Usage: all [ [ format = ] (list | table) ] [ [ wide = ] (yes | no) ] Displays all policies, filter lists, and filter actions. Parameters: Tag Value format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format. wide -If set to ‘no', the name and description are truncated to fit the screen width of 80 characters. Remarks: Examples: show all
Usage: %1!s! | Parameters: Adapter Index Number. Adapter Name. Part of the Adapter Name. Remarks: Ping the primary and secondary ...
Usage: %1!s! | Parameters: IP address or Host name . Port Number . Remarks: Connect to user specified IP host. Examples: ...
Usage: %1!s! | Parameters: IP address or host name. Remarks: Ping an IP address or host name. Examples: %1!s! %1!s! ...
Usage: %s -? -q -u -g -p -n foo.sdb | {guid} | "name" -? - print this help text. -p - Allow SDBs containing patches. -q - ...
Usage: all format = (list | table) wide = (yes | no) Displays all policies, filter lists, and filter actions. Parameters: ...
Usage: all resolvedns = (yes | no) Displays details of all policies, filters, SAs, and statistics from SPD. Parameters: Tag ...
Usage: atmadm options where options are one or more of: -c List all connections -a List all registered addresses -s Display ...
Usage: config property = (ipsecdiagnostics | ipsecexempt | ipsecloginterval | ikelogging | strongcrlcheck | bootmode | bootexemptions) ...
Usage: defaultrule policy = qmpfs = (yes | no) activate = (yes | no) qmsecmethods = (neg#1 neg#2 . neg#n) kerberos = (yes ...