The state requested for the element. This information will be placed into the RequestedState property of the instance if the return code of the RequestStateChange method is 0 ('Completed with No Error'), or 4096 (0x1000) ('Job Started'). Refer to the description of the EnabledState and RequestedState properties for the detailed explanations of the RequestedState values.
The state of the Task Scheduler service could not be determined for the following reason: %1!s! Please verify the Task Scheduler ...
The State property indicates the state of the target. The state is reported as a bit map, where each bit is interpretted ...
The State property indicates what the level of quota management set for this particular volume. Disabled indicates that Quota ...
The state requested for the element. This information will be placed into the instance's RequestedState property if the RequestStateChange ...
The state requested for the element. This information will be placed into the RequestedState property of the instance if ...
The static IP address that was just configured is already in use on the network. Please reconfigure a different IP address. ...
The status of the Virtual Machine Management service has changed, but the Virtualization Management Console was unable to ...
The Status property is a string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses ...
The StatusInfo property indicates whether the Logical Device is in an enabled (value = 3), disabled (value = 4) or some other ...