Usage: %1!s! [prefix=]/ [[store=]active|persistent] Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix for which to add a policy. store - One of the following values: active: Deletion only lasts until next boot. persistent: Deletion is persistent (default). Remarks: Deletes the source and destination address selection policy for a given prefix. Example: %1!s! ::/96
Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= siteprefixlength= metric= publish=]no|age|yes validlifetime= |infinite preferredlifetime= ...
Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix of route to delete. ...
Usage: %1!s! prefix= / precedence= label= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix for which to add ...
Usage: %1!s! prefix= / precedence= label= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix for which to add ...
Usage: %1!s! prefix= / store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix for which to add a policy. store - ...
Usage: %1!s! proto= autostatic|local|netmgmgt|nondod|ospf|rip|static preflevel= Parameters: Tag Value proto One of the following ...
Usage: %1!s! proto=]autostatic|local|netmgmgt|nondod|ospf|rip|static Parameters: Tag Value proto - One of the following values: ...
Usage: %1!s! proto=]autostatic|local|netmgmt|nondod|ospf|rip|static preflevel= Parameters: Tag Value proto - One of the following ...
Usage: %1!s! querytimeout=]integer][dnsmode=]enable|disable loglevel=]none|error|warn|info Parameters: Tag Value querytimeout ...