Destination points define a parallelogram which must have a length of 3. These points will represent the upper-left, upper-right, and lower-left coordinates (defined in that order).
Design time validation is turned off. Validation occurs only at runtime. To validate your workflow, either enable validation ...
Designer can not load the layout information for '{0}'. Activity associated with designer is not specified using the '{1}' ...
Designer can not load the layout information for '{0}'. Could not find activity with name '{1}' specified using the '{2}' ...
Designer is used to visually render {0} activity in the workflow. Selecting this designer allows user to configure the properties, ...
Destination points define a parallelogram which must have a length of 3. These points will represent the upper-left, upper-right, ...
Destination points must be an array with a length of 3 or 4. A length of 3 defines a parallelogram with the upper-left, upper-right, ...
DetailsView with id '{0}' did not have any properties or attributes from which to generate fields. Ensure that your data ...
Detected an existing endpoint with name '{2}' at address '{1}'. '{0}' adds an endpoint at the same address to provide a JavaScript ...
Determines how an empty point is treated when the chart is drawn. If a value of 'Average' is used, then the chart is drawn ...