Specifies the time it takes from when the order is shipped from the warehouse to when the order is delivered to the customer's address.
Specifies the thumbprint of a certificate for enabling SSL on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server website. The certificate ...
Specifies the thumbprint of the security certificate that is associated with the service account. A server security certificate ...
Specifies the time a job remains at the machine center after an operation is completed, until it is moved to the next operation. ...
Specifies the time interval of entries combined into one for the period defined in the Starting Date and Ending Date fields ...
Specifies the time it takes from when the order is shipped from the warehouse to when the order is delivered to the customer's ...
Specifies the time it usually takes to collect payment from the customer. The value is determined by subtracting the posting ...
Specifies the time period that the report applies to. This can be a month, a two-month period, a quarter, or the calendar ...
Specifies the time required to set up the machines for this journal line. Setup time is the time it takes to prepare a machine ...
Specifies the tolerance as a percent that you will allow the critical load percent to be exceeded for this work or machine ...