Usage: %1!s! name= metric=]integer update=]integer announce=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2 accept=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2 ...

Usage: %1!s! [name=] [[metric=]integer]         [[[update=]integer] [[announce=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2]        [[accept=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2] [[expire=]integer]        [[remove=]integer] [updatemode=]demand|periodic]        [[authmode=]authnone|authsimplepassword] [[tag=]integer]        [[unicast=]also|only|disable] [[accfiltmode=]include|exclude|disable]        [[annfiltmode=]include|exclude|disable] [[password=]string]   Parameters:         name         - The name of the interface where you are adding RIP.       metric       - A metric value for routes based on this interface.       update       - The full update interval.       announce     - One of the following values:                      none: Announce all routes.                      rip1: Announce RIP version 1 routes only.                      rip1compat: Announce using RIP version-compatible mode.                      rip2: Announce RIP version 2 routes only.       accept       - One of the following values:                      none: Accept all routes.                      rip1: Accept RIP version 1 routes only.                      rip1compat: Accept using RIP version-compatible mode.                      rip2: Accept RIP version 2 routes only.       expire       - The route expiration interval.       remove       - The route removal interval.       updatemode   - One of the following values:                      demand: Use update on demand mode.                      periodic: Perform updates based on periodic intervals.       authmode     - One of the following values:                      authnone: No authorization required.                      authsimplepassword: Password authorization required.       tag          - The route tag.       unicast      - One of the following values:                      also: Use also unicast.                      only: Use only unicast mode.                      disable: Disable unicast mode.       accfiltmode  - One of the following values:                      include: Include acceptance filters.                      exclude: Exclude acceptance filters.                      disable: Disable acceptance filters.       annfiltmode  - One of the following values:                      include: Include announcement filters.                      exclude: Exclude announcement filters.                      disable: Disable announcement filters.       password     - A clear-text password (16 characters maximum length).   Remarks: Enables and configures RIP on a specified interface.   Examples:          %1!s! "Local Area Connection"          Enables and configures RIP on the default LAN interface using        RIP configuration default settings.
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