The SSL %1 credential's certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it. This most often occurs when a certificate is backed up incorrectly and then later restored. This message can also indicate a certificate enrollment failure.
The splatting operator '@' cannot be used to reference variables in an expression. '@{0}' can be used only as an argument ...
The SPN is not registered on the KDC (usually %2). Check that the SPN is registered on at least one other server besides ...
The spooler has detected that a component has an unusually large number of open Graphical Device Interface (GDI) objects. ...
The SQL database does not contain a valid set of tables for Performance Monitor; you need to use PdhCreateSQLTables. Use ...
The SSL %1 credential's certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it. This most often occurs ...
The SSL %1 credential's private key has the following properties: CSP name: %2 CSP type: %3 Key name: %4 Key Type: %5 Key ...
The SSL %1 specified certificate's chain could not be retrieved: Failure Status: %2 Flags: %3 The attached data contains ...
The SSL %1 specified certificate's chain is incomplete: Failure Status: %2 This can cause trust validation failures or interoperability ...
The SSL configuration for IP %1 and port %2 is shared with another service, such as Internet Information Services (IIS). ...