no options displays the security on the object. /I Inheritance flags: T: This object and sub objects S: Sub objects only ...

no options       displays the security on the object.

   /I               Inheritance flags:
                        T: This object and sub objects
                        S: Sub objects only
                        P: Propagate inheritable permissions one level only.

   /N               Replaces the current access on the object, instead of
                    editing it.

   /P               Mark the object as protected
                    If /P option is not present, current protection flag is

   /G  :
                    Grant specified group (or user) specified permissions.
                    See below for format of  and 

   /D  :
                    Deny specified group (or user) specified permissions.
                    See below for format of  and 

   /R   Remove all permissions for the specified group (or user).
                    See below for format of 

   /S               Restore the security on the object to the default for
                    that object class as defined in AD DS Schema. This option
                    works when dsacls is bound to NTDS. To restore default
                    ACL of an object in AD LDS use /resetDefaultDACL and
                    /resetDefaultSACL options.

   /T               Restore the security on the tree of objects to the
                    default for the object class.
                    This switch is valid only with the /S option.

   /A               When displaying the security on an AD DS
                    object, display the auditing information as well as
                    the permissions and ownership information.

  /resetDefaultDACL Restore the DACL on the object to the default for
                    that object class as defined in AD DS Schema.

  /resetDefaultSACL Restore the SACL on the object to the default for
                    that object class as defined in AD DS Schema.

  /takeOwnership    Take ownership of the object.

  /domain: Connect to ldap server using this domain account
                       of the user.

  /user:  Connect to ldap server using this user name. If this
                    option is not used dsacls will bind as the currently
                    logged on user, using SSPI.

  /passwd: | * Passwd for the user account.

  /simple           Bind to server using ldap simple bind. Note that the
                    clear text password will be sent over the wire.