Your account might be temporarily blocked due to an unusually large volume of traffic. In this case, the block will be removed after 24 hrs. It might also be suspended for content in violation of our TOU. Contact customer support, and if eligible for reinstatement, your account will re-open for 48 hrs so you can remove all violating content. If it is not removed during this period, we'll close your account.
You've been invited to join this group on a different email address. Click Join to begin participating using this account. ...
You've reached the maximum number of groups you can participate in. To create a group, you first need to leave one or more ...
You've reached your total storage on {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders}. Please {0}upgrade{1} your storage plan ...
Your account may not be set up. To set it up, we need you to sign in to the website first. If you still can\'t sign in, contact ...
Your account might be temporarily blocked due to an unusually large volume of traffic. In this case, the block will be removed ...
Your account might be temporarily blocked due to an unusually large volume of traffic. In this case, the block will be removed ...
Your account might be temporarily blocked for having an unusually large volume of traffic. Or it might have been taken offline ...
Your account might not be set up. Sign in to, and then try again. If you still can't sign ...
Your browser is asking you to install an add-on right now. Please allow the installation and we'll open your document automatically. ...