This name suffix is defined as a user principal name (UPN) suffix in the local forest: %1. Therefore, Windows routes all authentication requests that use this name to the local forest. To route the authentication requests to the forest: %2, remove the UPN suffix from the local forest. To remove a UPN suffix, in the console tree, right-click Active Directory Domains and Trusts, and then click Properties.
This mirror cannot be removed because the mirrored volume is currently missing or regenerating. Retry this operation when ...
This modified version of the kernel32!CreateFile* APIs prevents an application from using the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag ...
This modified version of the kernel32!CreateFile* APIs prevents an application from using the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag if ...
This name suffix conflicts with name suffix in remote forest. Click Refresh button and try to edit the name suffix again. ...
This name suffix is defined as a user principal name (UPN) suffix in the local forest: %1. Therefore, Windows routes all ...
This name suffix is enabled for routing to the forest: %1. Therefore, Windows routes all authentication requests that use ...
This NC (%1) is supposed to be replicated to this server, but has not been replicated yet. This could be because the replica ...
This node contains registry settings that do not correspond to an Administrative Template policy. For example, they did not ...
This note contains changes on pages that didn't load successfully. Rename the note to save these changes without affecting ...