Your subscription will remain active until your trial period is expired, unless we receive a request for termination in accordance with the Live Communications Server and Microsoft Volume Licensing – Terms of Service.
If you have any questions about your provisioning request or need to make changes to your provisioning information, please contact support. Please use the subscription number listed above for any communication or queries about your provisioning request.
Thank you for your business!
Your subscription to {DEL_OFFER_NAME} has now expired. Users in your company can continue to use the service with potentially ...
Your subscription to {DEL_OFFER_NAME} has now expired. Users in your company can continue to use the service with potentially ...
Your subscription to {DEL_OFFER_NAME} has now expired. Users in your company can continue to use the service with potentially ...
Your subscription will automatically renew in {DEL_DAYS_UNTIL_SUBSCRIPTION_END_DATE} days, on {DEL_SUBSCRIPTION_END_DATE}: ...
Your subscription will remain active until your trial period is expired, unless we receive a request for termination in accordance ...
Your subscription will remain active until your trial period is expired, unless we receive a request for termination in accordance ...
Your system policy does not allow you to connect to the Microsoft Update services, which will prevent some updates from being ...
Your trial of {DEL_OFFER_NAME} has expired. Now that you have experienced the value of Microsoft Online Services, we hope ...
Your trial of {DEL_OFFER_NAME} has expired. Now that you have experienced the value of Microsoft Online Services, we hope ...