Replace with a Boolean value. True to search the supplied command bar and all sub-command bars. This parameter is ignored if a CommandBars collection is used.
Replace with a Boolean value. True to display the AutoFilter drop-down arrow for the filtered field. False to hide the AutoFilter ...
Replace with a Boolean value. True to ignore words that are ALL UPPERCASE. If this argument is omitted, the current value ...
Replace with a Boolean value. True to print all pages of the document before printing the next copy, when printing multiple ...
Replace with a Boolean value. True to print the document in the background. Use System.Type.Missing to omit this optional ...
Replace with a Boolean value. True to search the supplied command bar and all sub-command bars. This parameter is ignored ...
Replace with a Boolean value. True to send printer instructions to a file. Make sure to specify a file name with outputFileName. ...
Replace with a Boolen value. True for Word to always suggest alternative spellings. If this argument is omitted, the current ...
Replace with a data source to bind to. Can be any type that can be bound to, including datasets and data tables, as well ...
Replace with a number that indicates the position of the new control on the command bar. The new control is inserted before ...