Specifies either the cost type's total budget or, if you have specified a filter in the Budget Filter field, a filtered budget. The contents of the field are calculated by using the entries in the Amount field in the Cost Budget Entry table.
Specifies details about the location of your intercompany inbox, which can transfer intercompany transactions into your company. ...
Specifies dimensions, such as area, project, or department, that you can assign to sales and purchase documents to distribute ...
Specifies either debit or credit. This determines how the balance will be handled during calculation, allowing balances consistent ...
Specifies either that the entry is a summary entry, Closing Entry, or the type that was used in the calculation of the average ...
Specifies either the cost type's total budget or, if you have specified a filter in the Budget Filter field, a filtered budget. ...
Specifies either the current Alternative Address or the Home Address to be printed on the labels. Click the desired option ...
Specifies either the G/L account's total budget or, if you have specified a name in the Budget Name field, a specific budget. ...
Specifies expected payments from customers and to vendors. It does not include other transactions that affect liquidity or ...
Specifies for the posted approval entry when an overdue approval request was automatically delegated to the relevant substitute. ...