Subnet '{0}' can't be set because it conflicts with existing subnet '{1}'. When setting subnets, the subnet must exactly match a subnet that is configured for a network on the server.
Streaming data allocation inconsistency detected (%4,%5). For more information, click ...
Strings formed with characters from A to Z (uppercase or lowercase), digits from 0 to 9, !, #, $, %, , ', *, +, -, /, =, ...
Strings of the form "/o= " optionally followed by "/ou= " optionally followed by one or more instances of "/cn= ". Each " ...
Subject Type one or more keywords to search for in the subject line. Use quotation marks to search for multi-word phrases. ...
Subnet '{0}' can't be set because it conflicts with existing subnet '{1}'. When setting subnets, the subnet must exactly ...
Subnet '{0}' isn't present in the database availability group. It will be added to the database availability group's networks, ...
Subscriber Authentication Failures is the number of authentication failures that have occurred since the service was started. ...
Subscriber Logon Failures is the number of logon failures since the service was started. This number is incremented at most ...
Subscription related request failed because EWS could not contact the appropriate CAS server for this request. If this problem ...