The path,'{0}', does not exist or is not valid for report server at '{1}'. Verify that the path is valid on the report server and that you have the correct permissions.
The path for non-materialized reference dimension '%{refdimname/}' between '%{startname/}' and '%{endname/}' must exist in ...
The PATH function cannot work with values such as '%{incompatvalue/}' that contain a vertical pipe ('|') because that character ...
The PATH function has found the following loop '%{loop/}' in columns '%{table1/}'[%{column1/} and '%{table2/}'[%{column2/}]. ...
The path of the item '{0}' is not valid. The full path must be less than {1} characters long; other restrictions apply. If ...
The path,'{0}', does not exist or is not valid for report server at '{1}'. Verify that the path is valid on the report server ...
The PERIODICITY_HINT parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', is not valid. PERIODICITY_HINT should be {n1, n2, n3.}, ...
The plug-in assembly '%{plugin/}' raised the following exception when processing '%{event/}' event. %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%] ...
The PMML-based '%{name/}' mining structure can only be altered for adding bindings to data. No other options for altering ...
The point index n ({0}) passed to STPointN is less than 1. This number must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or ...