You are no longer connected to this file. Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.To preserve your unsaved work, click OK, and save the shared workbook with a different name. You can then open the original shared workbook again, and merge in your changes from the copy of the workbook that you saved.For information about merging workbooks, click Help.
You are attempting to create a chart by using a PivotTable report in another workbook. This will result in a static chart ...
You are attempting to put grouped items and property fields in the same dimension. This action is not supported. After clicking ...
You are currently collaborating on this workbook with other people. You cannot edit this workbook in {0:Excel} while other ...
You are no longer connected to this file. Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.To preserve your unsaved ...
You are no longer connected to this file. Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.To preserve your unsaved ...
You are pasting a new data series, which will affect the existing information along the category axis in your chart. You ...
You are trying to delete | that contains a locked cell. Locked cells cannot be deleted while the worksheet is protected.To ...
You are trying to import a chart from Microsoft Excel that contains user-defined custom chart types. Microsoft Graph can't ...
You can create a PivotTable report that uses ranges from one or more worksheets, and that has no page fields or up to four ...