Leaving node "{0}" in maintenance mode due to a failure. Before resuming the node, you should investigate the cause of the failure.
Learn how to use a tablet pen to perform navigational and editing shortcuts. Navigational flicks include drag up, drag down, ...
Lease duration should typically be the length of time the multicast address is expected to be in continuous or dedicated ...
Lease durations should typically be equal to the average time the computer is connected to the same physical network. For ...
Lease of IP address '%2' associated with cluster IP address resource '%1' has expired or is about to expire, and currently ...
Leaving node "{0}" in maintenance mode due to a failure. Before resuming the node, you should investigate the cause of the ...
Left hand side arguments to binary operators must be either attributes, nodes or variables and right hand side arguments ...
Legal entities that are constrained by and accountable to this Web site, but may use the data in a way not specified in this ...
Length of message passed to NtRequestPort or NtRequestWaitReplyPort was longer than the maximum message allowed by the port. ...
Less than two network interfaces were detected on this machine. For standard VPN server configuration at least two network ...