One or more of the files selected is not a picture file. One or more of the files selected is an animated picture or has text overlays. ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT^ is not able to modify the picture settings of any of these types of files.
One or more of the fields in this PivotTable corresponding to the slicers chosen have "Include new items in manual filter" ...
One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...
One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...
One or more of the files selected is either animated or has text overlays. ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT^ is not able to change ...
One or more of the files selected is not a picture file. One or more of the files selected is an animated picture or has ...
One or more of the files you are trying to edit is open in another application. Close the files in the other application, ...
One or more of the images in your {doctype} are too large for editing with {webappshort}. To edit this {doctype}, open it ...
One or more of the Microsoft Word documents to which you would like to apply the theme is open. Please close all open Word ...
One or more of the names that you entered could not be successfully resolved with an e-mail address. The unresolved names ...