To remove the library object, first remove it from all virtual machines, templates, applications, hardware profiles, and guest operating system profiles that are using it, then try the operation again.
To register a file share to this cluster, select a managed file share from the list or enter the UNC path for an unmanaged ...
To register a file share to this host, select a managed file share from the list or enter the UNC path for an unmanaged file ...
To register with the Disaster Recovery Service, you need to provide the Org ID credentials for your subscription. You will ...
To remove the host cluster from Virtual Machine Manager, remove the Virtualization Manager that it belongs to. To destroy ...
To remove the library object, first remove it from all virtual machines, templates, applications, hardware profiles, and ...
To remove the network adapter profile, either remove the host profile, or remove the network adapter profile from the host ...
To remove this virtual disk, first remove it from the hardware profile of the virtual machine using this virtual disk, then ...
To restart the job, run the following command: PS> Restart-Job -Job (Get-VMMServer %ServerName; | Get-Job | where { $_.ID ...
To restart this job, navigate to the Jobs view and select the job in the results pane. Then, in the Actions pane, click Restart. ...