This item contains an embedded command line. Command line packages are potentially dangerous and are not allowed per your computer's security policies. This package will not execute.
This is the value for Description found in Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration of theLAN Adapter to be set. The value 0 implies ...
This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from ...
This is your last chance to change the region setting on your DVD drive. Are you absolutely sure you want to proceed? If ...
This isn't a sufficient size for successful KDC operation unless all DC's in the enterprise are Windows Server 2003 or better. ...
This item contains an embedded command line. Command line packages are potentially dangerous and are not allowed per your ...
This item contains properties that are not supported through this version of the interface. If you continue, those properties ...
This item was created by a .NET Passport website. It is a special type that cannot be viewed or changed here. From this program, ...
This item was created by Dial-up Networking and cannot be edited here. From this program, it may only be deleted. To edit ...
This kernel mode interface for the virtualization infrastructure driver has already been initialized. Restarting the virtual ...