One or more IP addresses with subnet masks that will be used as the virtual IP addresses (VIPs) for load balancing on the internal network adapter. These are usually the current IP addresses on the internal adapter of the server on which the cmdlet is executed. Specify the IPv4 address and subnet in the format IP_ADDR/SUBNET. For IPv6 specify the prefix length along with the IP address. If ISATAP is deployed in the internal network then at least one of the IP addresses specified in the parameter should be present in the ISATAP name entry in DNS. The Network Location Server should resolve to at least one of the VIPs
One or more IP addresses are included in the address range configured for a server in another entry point of the multisite ...
One or more IP addresses are included in the address range configured for another server in the cluster. Ensure that an address ...
One or more IP addresses of management server %1!s! cannot be added because they are associated with the web probe URL used ...
One or more IP addresses with subnet masks that will be used as the dedicated IP addresses (DIPs) for load balancing on the ...
One or more IP addresses with subnet masks that will be used as the virtual IP addresses (VIPs) for load balancing on the ...
One or more IP addresses with subnet masks that will be used as the virtual IP addresses (VIPs) for load balancing on the ...
One or more IPAM database errors occurred. Run the IPAM configuration task to synchronize the database with newly applied ...
One or more IPv4 addresses could not be configured automatically. For each network to be used, ensure the network is selected ...
One or more IPv4 addresses could not be configured automatically. For each network to be used, make sure the network is selected, ...