The share denied access to the client. Client Name: %10 Client Address: %6 User Name: %8 Session ID: %17 Share Name: %2 Share ...

The share denied access to the client.

Client Name: %10
Client Address: %6
User Name: %8
Session ID: %17
Share Name: %2
Share Path: %4
Status: %16 (%15)
Mapped Access: %11
Granted Access: %12
Security Descriptor: %14


You should expect access denied errors when a principal accesses a share without the necessary permissions. Usually, this indicates that the principal does not have direct security permissions or lacks membership in a group that has direct access permissions. To determine and correct the permissions on the specified share, an administrator can use the Security tab in File Explorer Properties dialog, the SMBSHARE Windows PowerShell module, or the NET SHARE command. You can also use the Effective Access tab in File Explorer to help diagnose the issue.

Applications may generate access denied errors if they attempt to open files in a writable mode first, and then reopen the files in a read-only mode. In this case, no user action is required.

If access to the share is denied and this event is not logged, you can examine the file and folder NTFS/REFS permissions.

This error does not indicate a problem with authentication, only authorization.