Unable to create a Service Connection Point in the current Active Directory domain. Verify that the SharePoint container exists in the current domain and that you have rights to write to it.
Unable to convert the Web %1!.200s! into a directory because the Unix user and group ids for the parent Web are different ...
Unable to create a disk-based Web at "%1!.255s!" because its parent Web would not be a disk-based Web. Create the disk-based ...
Unable to create a Document Set because the Content Organizer is configured to send this Document Set to another Content ...
Unable to create a Document Set in this location because of the Content Organizer settings. Please contact your administrator. ...
Unable to create a Service Connection Point in the current Active Directory domain. Verify that the SharePoint container ...
Unable to create a Web at the URL "%1!.100s!" because Microsoft SharePoint Foundation information was unexpectedly encountered ...
Unable to create a Web for the URL "%1!.100s!" because its root directory, "%2!.255s!", falls below the root of another Web ...
Unable to create a Web for the URL "%1!.40s!" because its root directory, "%2!.255s!", falls below the root of another Web ...
Unable to create document upload form. The referenced entity ({0}) required to support document upload is not present in ...