Dynamics NAV 2015
- Show pending payments summed for one week. Overdue payments are shown as amounts within specific weeks from the due date ...
- Show pending payments summed for one year. Overdue payments are shown as amounts within specific years from the due date ...
- Shows all journal batches or only marked journal batches. A journal batch is marked if an attempt to post the general journal ...
- Shows customers' pending payment amounts summed for a period that you select.\The first column shows the amount on pending ...
- Shows how many days money is tied up from the day you purchase inventory to the day you receive payment from customers.\A ...
- Shows pending payment amounts to vendors summed for a period that you select.\The first column shows the amount on pending ...
- Shows the company's trends in income over expenses. By comparing figures for different periods, you can detect periods that ...
- Shows the customer's pending payment amount summed for a period that you select.\The first column shows the amount on pending ...
- Shows the movement of money into or out of your company. You can select to view both future revenue and expenses not yet ...
- Some filters cannot be converted into Excel formulas. You must verify %1 errors in the Excel worksheet. Do you want to create ...
- Some filters cannot be converted into Excel formulas. You will have to check %1 errors in the Excel worksheet. Do you want ...
- Some items within the filter already exist on the planning lines.\Action messages that are related to these items will not ...
- Some lines containing service items have been added to one or more contracts\while the quote had the %1 %2.\Do you want to ...
- Some of the contract lines have a longer response time than the %1 field on the service contract header. Do you want to update ...
- Some of the cost amounts are posted in a closed fiscal year. Therefore, the inventory related totals are different from their ...
- Some of the cost amounts are posted in a closed fiscal year. Therefore, the inventory-related totals are different from their ...
- Some of the cost amounts in the inventory ledger have not yet been posted to the G/L. You must run the Post Cost to G/L batch ...
- Some of the cost amounts in the inventory ledger have not yet been posted to the general ledger. You must run the Post Inventory ...
- Some routing lines are referring to the operation just deleted. The references are\in the fields %1 and %2.\This may have ...
- Some unadjusted value entries will not be covered with the new setting. You must run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch ...
- Sonstige Leistungen bzw. Dreiecks- geschäfte sind in Spalte 3 extra zu kennzeichnen. Bei unterschiedlichen Leistungen andenselben ...
- Sorting cannot be done based on the following FlowFields in the {1} table: {0}. This is because the record's security filtering ...
- Specifies how long customers took to pay invoices in the last three months. This is the average number of days from when ...
- Specifies the authentication mechanism for Microsoft Dynamics NAV client users. With Windows authentication, users are authenticated ...
- Specifies the password for the specified service account. The password is used only during installation and is not stored ...
- Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to access OData web services. The base URL must have the following syntax: ...
- Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to access pages in the web client. The base URL must have the following syntax: ...
- Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to access pages in the Windows client. The base URL must have the following ...
- Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to access SOAP web services. The base URL must have the following syntax: h ...
- Specifies the SQL Server database name. If you are installing the Demo database, the default database name is Demo Database ...
- Specifies the SQL Server instance that Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server connects to. Delete the content of the field to use ...
- Specifies the thumbprint of a certificate for enabling SSL on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server website. The certificate ...
- Specifies whether Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup adds a rule to Windows firewall to allow Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances ...
- Specifies whether you authorize Microsoft to collect basic information about your hardware configuration and about how you ...
- Specifying a DataItemTableFilter on a FlowField is not supported. FlowField {0}, DataItem {1}. Create a Filter column and ...
- SQL Server setup has detected that a restart is pending on the computer and cannot continue. Please restart the computer ...
- Statement,Reconciliation - Test,Check,Unposted Cash Ingoing Order,Unposted Cash Outgoing Order,Cash Book,Cash Ingoing Order,Cash ...
- Static Content role service for Microsoft Internet Information Services is needed to run Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server ...
- Static,G/L Entries,G/L Budget Entries,Cost Type Entries,Cost Budget Entries,No of Employees,Items Sold (Qty.),Items Purchased ...
- Straight-Line,Declining-Balance 1,Declining-Balance 2,DB1/SL,DB2/SL,User-Defined,Manual,SL-RU,DB/SL-RU,DB/SL-RU Tax Group ...
- Table %1 contains one or more fields of type Binary that cannot be upgraded to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment. ...
- Table content in the {0} table on SQL Server contains a value that is not compatible with the corresponding data type that ...
- Table {0} in database {1} cannot be changed from DataPerCompany=Yes to DataPerCompany=No because the table contains data ...
- Tag has both AutoReplace and AutoUpdate properties enabled. Disable both properties or choose either AutoUpdate or AutoReplace. ...
- taxpayer (charges payer),02-tax agent,03-collector of taxes and charges,04-tax authority,05-service of officers of justice ...
- Tenant '{0}' could not be found. Check that: 1. Tenant '{0}' is mounted on the server, or 2. Specify a different Tenant in ...
- Tenant in database {0} must be mounted with ID {1} or the ID in the database must be forcefully changed by specifying the ...
- Tenant {0} in database {1} is not operational. The tenant can be brought to operational state by a call to Sync-NavTenant. ...
- Test email has been sent to '%1' based on your current SMTP settings.\Check your email for messages to make sure that the ...
- Text, Code, and Binary type codes cannot be more than %8 characters long. The %2.1 field in the %1.1 table is %7 characters ...
- The "Single user" option cannot be set for the %102.155 database on the %102.154 server. Make sure that there are no other ...
- The %1 entity cannot be synchronized because it is now based on another table. Try again later and if the problem persists ...
- The %1 entity is used for the synchronization of one or more Outlook item collections.\If you delete this entity, all collections ...
- The %1 field can only be selected if the line is for purchase or sale, the account type is %2, and the %3 field is selected ...
- The %1 field is empty on one or more service contract lines, and service orders cannot be created automatically. Do you want ...
- The %1 field is not set up properly in the Currency Exchange Rates window. For %2 or the currency set up in the %3 field, ...
- The %1 field is not the first field that is specified for the %2 table. You must change the data export setup to list the ...
- The %1 for %2 %3 has changed from %4 to %5 since the Sales Order was created. Adjust the %6 on the Sales Order or the %1. ...
- The %1 table cannot be open, because the %2 or %3 fields are empty.\Fill in these fields with the appropriate values and ...
- The %1 with description, '%2', must have the same currency code as the payment you are registering.\To register the payment, ...
- The %1.1 table cannot be locked or changed because it is already locked by the user with User ID %13. Wait until the user ...
- The %1.1 table contains a Boolean field that does not use a BIT SQL Server data type. A value other than 0 or 1 has been ...
- The %1.1 table contains a Date field that uses invalid data for the time component of the DATETIME value: Field: %2.1 Value: ...
- The %1.1 table contains a field that has a SQL Server data type that cannot be edited by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development ...
- The %1.1 table contains a field with a Code, Text, or WideText value that is too large for the SQL Server data type: Record: ...
- The %1.1 table contains a field with a SQL Server value that is outside the allowable Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development ...
- The %1.1 table contains a field with a Variant SQL data type that can only be converted to a Varchar SQL data type: Field: ...
- The %1.1 table contains a field with an AutoIncrement value that does not match the SQL Server IDENTITY status: Field: %2.1 ...
- The %1.1 table contains a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment field data type that is not compatible with the ...
- The %1.1 table contains a Time field that uses invalid data for the date component of the DATETIME value: Field: %2.1 Value: ...
- The %1.1 table contains a value in a Code field that cannot be used with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment: ...
- The %1.1 table contains a value in an integer Code field that cannot be used with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development ...
- The %1.1 table contains an Integer, Option, or Boolean field that uses a DECIMAL or FLOAT SQL Server data type. An invalid ...
- The %1.1 table has inconsistent SumIndexField values: Key fields: %6 SumIndexField table: %22 Contact your system administrator. ...
- The %1.1 table has multiple ROWVERSION columns in the SQL Server view description. Views can only have one ROWVERSION column. ...