.NET Framework

  1. The assembly '{0}' is not a supported version of an ASP.NET AJAX Framework assembly. Make sure that the application references ...
  2. The assembly at {0} cannot be loaded. Caspol can make a partial determination of what evidence would be associated with this ...
  3. The assembly cache contains the set of assemblies available to all applications targeting the .NET Framework. Multiple versions ...
  4. The assembly cache stores assemblies that are designed to be shared by several applications. Use the assembly cache to view, ...
  5. The assembly in file "{0}" has an assembly culture, indicating it is a satellite assembly for culture "{1}". But satellite ...
  6. The assembly loaded from code base '%1$s' failed to load in the '%2$s' binding context of the AppDomain with ID %3$d. The ...
  7. The assembly named '%1$s' was loaded from '%2$s' using the LoadFrom context. The use of this context can result in unexpected ...
  8. The assembly returned from the host store has a different strong name signature than the corresponding one in GAC. Assembly: ...
  9. The assembly with display name '%1$s' failed to load in the '%2$s' binding context of the AppDomain with ID %3$d. The cause ...
  10. The assembly with display name '%1$s' loaded from code base '%2$s' failed to load in the '%3$s' binding context of the AppDomain ...
  11. The assembly you've selected has information about the publisher. You can choose to trust all applications and assemblies ...
  12. The AssertApplicationRequirements method either did not get called or timed out. There is no trust decision before the commit. ...
  13. The associated metadata type for type '{0}' contains the following unknown properties or fields: {1}. Please make sure that ...
  14. The association between '{0}' and '{1}' will not be created because the key column '{2}' was not found to be part of the ...
  15. The AsyncEventArgs implementation '{0}' tried to complete a single operation multiple times. This could be caused by an incorrect ...
  16. The AsyncEventArgs implementation '{0}' tried to set the state to Pending multiple times without completing a pending operation. ...
  17. The asynchronous result object used to end this operation was not the object that was returned when the operation was initiated. ...
  18. The athentication modes using Kerberos do not support the impersonation level '{0}'. Specify identification or impersonation. ...
  19. The atom element name '{0}' is not valid for property '{1}'. Since the property refers to a collection of resources, the ...
  20. The atom element name '{0}' is not valid for property '{1}'. Since the property refers to a single resource, the expected ...
  21. The Atom10 specification requires '{0}' to have one of these values: "text", "html", "xhtml", however this value is '{1}' ...
  22. The atomicComposition already contains an inner atomicComposition and cannot contain more than one atomicComposition at a ...
  23. The atomicComposition contains another inner atomicComposition and cannot be changed until the that inner atomicComposition ...
  24. The atomicComposition is already contains an inner atomicComposition and cannot contain more than one atomicComposition at ...
  25. The attempt to remove the Session State expired sessions job from msdb did not succeed. This can occur either because the ...
  26. The attempt to remove the Session State expired sessions job from msdb did not succeed. This can occur either because the ...
  27. The attempted operation is not valid. The nested data reader has been implicitly closed because its parent data reader has ...
  28. The attribute 'type' must have one of the following strings as its values: 'string', 'number', 'array', 'object', 'null', ...
  29. The attribute '{0}' is invalid in the configuration of the '{1}' provider. The attribute must be set to a non-negative integer. ...
  30. The attribute '{0}' is not valid in the locked list for this section. The following attributes can be locked: {1}. Multiple ...
  31. The attribute '{0}' is required and cannot be locked. The configuration should lock the entire element if it needs to lock ...
  32. The attribute '{0}' is required and is locked at a higher level configuration. The configuration with the lock should lock ...
  33. The authenticate method in the ServiceAuthenticationManager returned null. If you do not want to return any authorization ...
  34. The Authentication Scheme "Basic" does not support Extended Protection. Please use a different authentication scheme or disable ...
  35. The authentication schemes cannot be inherited from the host for binding '{0}'. No AuthenticationScheme was specified on ...
  36. The authentication schemes configured on the host ('{0}') do not allow those configured on the binding '{1}' ('{2}'). Please ...
  37. The AuthenticationManager cannot be added to the binding parameters because the binding parameters already contains a AuthenticationManager ...
  38. The AuthenticationSchemes cannot be added to the binding parameters because the binding parameters already contains AuthenticationSchemes ...
  39. The AuthorizationStoreRoleProvider requires the authorization store components to be installed on the machine. The authorization ...
  40. The average duration of calls to this endpoint. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics. ...
  41. The average duration of calls to this operation. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics ...
  42. The average duration of calls to this service. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.P ...
  43. The base attribute '{0}' whose use = 'required' does not have a corresponding derived attribute while redefining attribute ...
  44. The base name of your output file, "{0}", does not match the base name used by the strongly typed resources, "{1}". In order ...
  45. The best overloaded method match '%1!ls!' for the collection initializer element cannot be used. Collection initializer 'Add' ...
  46. The best overloaded method match '{0}' for the collection initializer element cannot be used. Collection initializer 'Add' ...
  47. The best overloaded method match for '%1!ls!' has wrong signature for the initializer element. The initializable Add must ...
  48. The binary encoder session information exceeded the maximum size quota ({0}). To increase this quota, use the MaxSessionSize ...
  49. The binary property on the entity cannot be modified as a stream because the corresponding entry in the response does not ...
  50. The BindByName method of UriTemplate was called with an empty name in the collection of arguments for the bind. Note that ...
  51. The binding ('{0}', '{1}') has been configured with a MutualCertificateDuplexBindingElement that requires a client certificate. ...
  52. The binding ('{0}', '{1}') has been configured with a security algorithm suite '{2}' that is incompatible with the issued ...
  53. The binding ('{0}', '{1}') is configured with a security token parameter '{2}' that has an incompatible security token inclusion ...
  54. The binding ('{0}', '{1}') uses an Issued Token with Bearer Key Type in a invalid context. The Issued Token with a Bearer ...
  55. The binding ('{0}','{1}') for contract ('{2}','{3}') has been configured with an incompatible security version that does ...
  56. The binding ('{0}','{1}') for contract ('{2}','{3}') is configured with SecureConversation, but the authentication mode is ...
  57. The binding ('{0}','{1}') for contract ('{2}','{3}') supports impersonation only on Windows 2003 Server and newer version ...
  58. The binding ('{0}','{1}') supports streaming which cannot be configured together with message level security. Consider choosing ...
  59. The binding (Name={0}, Namespace={1}) cannot be used to create a ChannelFactory or a ChannelListener because it appears to ...
  60. The binding associated with ServiceMetadataBehavior or ServiceDebugBehavior is not supported. The inner binding elements ...
  61. The binding for the endpoint at address '{0}' is configured with both the MsmqTransportBindingElement and the TransactionFlowBindingElement. ...
  62. The binding specified cannot be null or an empty string. Please specify a valid binding. Valid binding values can be found ...
  63. The binding specified requires that the to and via URIs must match because the Addressing Version is set to None. The to ...
  64. The Binding with name {0} failed validation because it contains a BindingElement with type {1} which is not supported in ...
  65. The Binding with name {0} failed validation because the Binding type {1} is not supported in partial trust. Consider using ...
  66. The Body of the message description cannot be null, please set the OperationDescription.MessageDescription.Body to correct ...
  67. The boundary delimiter '{0}' is not valid. Please specify a valid boundary delimiter or make sure that the content length ...
  68. The buffer size for a Windows Runtime stream adapter may not be negative. Use a positive buffer size or 0 to disable buffering. ...
  69. The BufferedReceiveServiceBehavior instance could not be added to the WorkflowServiceHost because it has already been added ...
  70. The BufferedReceiveServiceBehavior must be used with a workflow definition that supports BufferedReceive processing. Use ...
  71. The cabinet file '[2]' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, ...
  72. The cache protocol refused the server response. To allow automatic request retrying, set request.AllowAutoRedirect to true. ...
  73. The cache protocol returned a cached response but the cache entry is invalid because it has a null stream. (Cache Key = {0}). ...
  74. The CacheMetadata method which takes an ActivityMetadata parameter must not be called on a CodeActivity or AsyncCodeActivity. ...
  75. The CacheMetadata method which takes an ActivityMetadata parameter must not be called on a NativeActivity. The correct CacheMetadata ...