Exchange Server 2016

  1. Failed to connect to local domain controller %s. Verify that it is available, reachable, and that you have sufficient permissions ...
  2. Failed to connect to the Edge Transport server ADAM instance with exception %1. This could be caused by a failure to resolve ...
  3. Failed to connect to the Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search service on computer "{0}". Verify that the Microsoft Exchange ...
  4. Failed to connect to the Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search service on computer "{1}". Verify that a valid computer ...
  5. Failed to connect to the provisioning cache in application {0}, server {1}. This could be because the application doesn't ...
  6. Failed to connect to the schema master server %s. Verify that it is available, reachable, and that you have sufficient permissions ...
  7. Failed to copy the litigation hold duration fai message from primary mailbox '%1' to its archive mailbox. Exception details: ...
  8. Failed to create file share witness '{1}' on witness server '{0}'. Until this problem is corrected, the database availability ...
  9. Failed to create file share witness directory '{1}' on witness server '{0}'. Until this problem is corrected, the database ...
  10. Failed to create the 'ExchangeOAB' folder on the target server '{0}'. Two possible reasons for the failure are that the System ...
  11. Failed to create the log directory: %2 because of the error: %3. Logs will not be generated until the problem is corrected. ...
  12. Failed to determine whether a Hotmail mailbox exists for account "{0}". Migration cannot be completed for this account. Hotmail ...
  13. Failed to disable the archive of mailbox {0} due to a conflict in directory settings. To disable this archive, first run ...
  14. Failed to disable the mailbox {0} due to a conflict in directory settings. To disable this mailbox, first run Enable-RemoteMailbox ...
  15. Failed to enable Kerberos on the Network Name resource. Possible causes for this error are that the Cluster Service account ...
  16. Failed to enable the new cloud archive {1} of mailbox {0} because a different archive {2} exists. To enable the new archive, ...
  17. Failed to enumerate protectors. Please verify that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service has Read access to the registry ...
  18. Failed to execute statistics search for {0} keywords, as it exceeds the max allowed limit of keywords per search value of ...
  19. Failed to find a local domain controller for domain %s. Verify that this computer belongs to a Windows domain and that you ...
  20. Failed to find a matching provider entry in the manifest file to update the message dll path. (manifest={0}, msgdll={1}, ...
  21. Failed to find Organization settings for IsProcessEhaMigratedMessages for organization %1, Mailbox %2. Exception: %3. Skip ...
  22. Failed to find the trusted publishing domain (TPD) "{0}" to update. When you import a TPD using the RefreshTemplates parameter, ...
  23. Failed to flush logging requests fast enough (maximum requests of %2); was forced to flush synchronously. This indicates ...
  24. Failed to force the Address List Service to reset the configuration on domain controller "{0}" because of the following error: ...
  25. Failed to generate Offline Address Book '{0}' from organizational mailbox '{1}' on server '{2}'. There are multiple organizational ...
  26. Failed to generate Offline Address Book '{0}'. This could be due to the Mailbox Assistants Service not running on server ...
  27. Failed to generate Offline Address Book '{0}'. This could be due to the System Attendant Service not running on server '{1}' ...
  28. Failed to generate the content of the Offline Address Book '{0}'. Check that there is at least one Organization Mailbox configured ...
  29. Failed to get valid Active Directory information for the calling account. Confirm that it is a valid Active Directory account. ...
  30. Failed to import mail enabled folders because objects with duplicate PrimarySmtpAddress were found in the input file. That ...
  31. Failed to load the password xml file {0}. Check the file format, or rename the file to force the creation of a new one. Error: ...
  32. Failed to look up the Windows site to which this computer belongs. Verify that your computer and the domain controller designated ...
  33. Failed to modify the MAPI.NET table property of the object "{0}" on server "{1}". See inner exception for more information. ...
  34. Failed to obtain a list of naming contexts from domain controller %s. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access ...
  35. Failed to obtain information about Exchange organization objects from Active Directory. Verify that you have sufficient permissions ...
  36. Failed to open a log truncation context because ESE-level circular logging is enabled. Please dismount and then mount the ...
  37. Failed to output the search configuration to export location. This output is only for information. It doesn't affect the ...
  38. Failed to process folder '{0}' in mailbox {1} for the Managed Content Setting '{2}' because the destination folder is same ...
  39. Failed to process folder '{0}' in mailbox {1}. Folder hierarchy could not be created under target folder because an attempt ...
  40. Failed to process folder '{0}' in mailbox {1}. Folder hierarchy could not be created under target folder because the folderUrl ...
  41. Failed to process mailbox {0} because the retention action for the Managed Content Setting '{1}' is MoveToFolder but the ...
  42. Failed to process mailbox {0} because the retention action is 'Move to a managed custom folder' but the destination folder ...
  43. Failed to process mailbox {0} because the retention destination folder '{1}' in Managed Content Setting '{2}' could not be ...
  44. Failed to proxy the request from an external user with person-to-person relationship to a downlevel Exchange server. Recipient ...
  45. Failed to push the certificate with the thumbprint "{0}" because the local site for this server could not be retrieved. This ...
  46. Failed to push the certificate with the thumbprint "{0}" to the server "{1}". The server will pull the certificate from other ...
  47. Failed to read from the patch file used for page patching '{0}'. Expected to read {2} bytes, but instead, {1} bytes were ...
  48. Failed to read the current Microsoft Anti-spam Update service mode. Therefore, any recent change in the mode may not have ...
  49. Failed to read the litigation hold duration failure message from primary mailbox '%1'. ELC will treat this mailbox as on ...
  50. Failed to reconnect to Active Directory server {0}. Make sure the server is available, and that you have used the correct ...
  51. Failed to remove permission from %s on this group: %s. Permissions for this user/group must be manually removed from the ...
  52. Failed to replicate mailbox:'{0}' to the site:'{1}'. The mailbox will be available for logon in approximately 15 minutes. ...
  53. Failed to reset the recovery database for database "{0}". There might be a recovery database still linked to the database. ...
  54. Failed to resolve the fully qualified domain name for the short name '%1'. Verify that the computer account exists. Other ...
  55. Failed to resolve the linked group. Verify that the linked group exists in another forest that is different from the one ...
  56. Failed to resolve the linked master account and verify it exists in a forest different from the one hosting Exchange. The ...
  57. Failed to resume the ability of the server {0} to host the Primary Active Manager, 'cluster.exe /cluster:{1} node {2} /resume' ...
  58. Failed to retrieve 'MSExchangeIS' RPC performance counter data from the file {0}. An unspecified error occurred while reading ...
  59. Failed to retrieve Federation Metadata from the Microsoft Federation Gateway. This operation will be retried in a few seconds. ...
  60. Failed to retrieve processor and memory performance counter data from the file {0}. An unspecified error occurred while reading ...
  61. Failed to retrieve processor performance counter data from the file {0}. An unspecified error occurred while reading the ...
  62. Failed to retrieve the IExchangeModifyTable interface for the ACL table property from the public folder "{0}" on server "{1}". ...
  63. Failed to retrieve the MAPI.NET table property from the object "{0}" on server "{1}". See inner exception for more information. ...
  64. Failed to retrieve the status for the active copy of database '{0}'. The Microsoft Exchange Replication service may not be ...
  65. Failed to seek the row cursor of the MAPI table of object "{0}" on server "{1}". See inner exception for more information. ...
  66. Failed to set column information of the MAPI table of object "{0}" on server "{1}". See inner exception for more information. ...
  67. Failed to set MailEnabled property to true, when MailRecipientGuid is NULL. You need to specify MailRecipientGuid parameter ...
  68. Failed to set MailRecipientGuid or MailEnabled property, because EntryId on MailPublicFolder '{0}' does not reference this ...
  69. Failed to set MailRecipientGuid or MailEnabled property, because MailRecipientGuid of '{0}' is not found in Active Directory. ...
  70. Failed to set MailRecipientGuid property when MailEnabled is FALSE. You need to also specify MailEnabled parameter with TRUE. ...
  71. Failed to synchronize the messaging records management settings on managed folder {0} in mailbox {1} with the settings in ...
  72. Failed to update a conversation for mailbox %1 because the mailbox quota is exceeded. Will retry processing this event for ...
  73. Failed to update conversations for mailbox %1 after a folder delete. Will retry processing this event. Conversations may ...
  74. Failed to update file share witness '{1}' properties on witness server '{0}'. Until this problem is corrected, the database ...
  75. Failed to update the list of e-mail addresses in property "{1}" for the specified external e-mail address "{0}" because an ...