Lync Server 2013

  1. The %1 Certificate configured for LS Bandwidth Policy Service (Core) was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: ...
  2. The %1 Certificate configured for Lync Online Provisioning Service was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: ...
  3. The %1 Certificate configured for Lync Web App was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: %1 Certificate Issuer ...
  4. The %1 certificate configured for Mcx Server was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: %1 Certificate Issuer ...
  5. The %1 Certificate configured for Mediation Server Service was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: %1 Certificate ...
  6. The %1 Certificate configured for Microsoft Lync Online, Administration Center was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate ...
  7. The %1 Certificate configured for Microsoft Lync Server 2013, File Transfer Agent was renewed and is now valid until %2. ...
  8. The %1 Certificate configured for Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Replica Replicator Agent Service was renewed and is now valid ...
  9. The %1 certificate configured for Mobility Service was renewed and is now valid until %2. Certificate Type: %1 Certificate ...
  10. The %1 Certificate configured for process %2 was renewed and is now valid until %3. Certificate Type: %1 Certificate Issuer ...
  11. The A/V Authentication Service cannot be contacted. Connections that require Firewall traversal will not be successful. Cause: ...
  12. The A/V Authentication Service cannot be contacted. Connections that require Firewall traversal will not be successful. Exception: ...
  13. The A/V Authentication Service cannot be contacted. Connections that require Firewall traversal will not be successful. Mediation ...
  14. The A/V Authentication Service returned invalid response. Connections that require Firewall traversal will not be successful. ...
  15. The A/V Conferencing pool will process audio and video requests for Front End pools that you specify. Select the Front End ...
  16. The A/V Conferencing service and Mediation Server can be collocated on a Front End pool. Collocation requires fewer computers, ...
  17. The Access Edge Server detected a clock skew. The Access Edge Server detected a clock skew of %1 minutes when processing ...
  18. The Access Edge Server failed to import a shared session key due to invalid signature. In the past %1 minutes, the server ...
  19. The Access Edge Server routing table is corrupted in memory. The service will be stopped. Cause: Internal Error. Resolution: ...
  20. The account has been locked because there have been too many unsuccessful sign-in attempts. Locked users cannot sign in to ...
  21. The ACPMCU was not able to stay connected to the Front End over the C3P channel (HTTPS Connection). The Audio Conferencing ...
  22. The Active Directory compatibility entry for conference directory with ID "{0}" indicates an in-progress move operation to ...
  23. The active instance of Match Making has changed. The FQDN of the old active instance is '%1'. The FQDN of the new active ...
  24. The active user store database server is set when the server first starts up and connects to the user store backend server. ...
  25. The AD Data Collector encountered some error. Error: %1 Cause: An internal error occurred. Resolution: Examine the error ...
  26. The add-in is being used by the following rooms and cannot be removed: . Either remove the add-in from the rooms or provide ...
  27. The agent group "{0}" ("{1}") is currently being used by queues that serve active workflows and that use no other agent group. ...
  28. The agent's SIP URI is not valid. The service failed to subscribe to the agent's presence because SIP URI is not valid. Agent ...
  29. The announcement with name '{0}' is currently in use by an unassigned number range. Calls to this unassigned number range ...
  30. The API module detected a conflict between application priority and version. Application Uri: '%1' Cause: The application ...
  31. The application "{0}" does not exist on the pool "{1}". Use Get-CsTrustedApplication to see the available applications or ...
  32. The application agent string passed is not valid for use with UserAgent or Server headers. Check for length and/or special ...
  33. The application could not connect to the management store. The application %1 was unable to connect to the management store ...
  34. The application could not start because no certificate was specified. The Application Host could not start the application ...
  35. The application failed to start due to a possible replication issue. The application %1 failed to start because it was unable ...
  36. The application failed to start due to an issue while reading settings. The application %1 failed to start because it threw ...
  37. The Application Host failed to drain an application. The Application Host could not drain the application %1. Exception information: ...
  38. The Application Host failed to load an application. The Application Host was unable to load the application %1. Exception ...
  39. The Application Host failed to read the settings for the application. The Application Host was unable to read the settings ...
  40. The Application Host failed to start an application. The Application Host could not start the application %1. Exception information: ...
  41. The Application Host failed to stop an application. The Application Host received an exception while stopping service %1. ...
  42. The Application Host has been requested to drain an application. The Application Host has been requested to drain the application ...
  43. The Application Host stopped due to an unhandled exception in the application. The Application Host received an unhandled ...
  44. The Application Sharing Conferencing Server successfully sent health notifications to the MCU factory at %1. Any previous ...
  45. The Application Sharing Conferencing Server successfully sent notifications to the focus at %1. Any previous errors have ...
  46. The Application Sharing Server cannot communicate over SIP to the Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Front End Server due to a TLS ...
  47. The Application Sharing Server cannot communicate over SIP to the Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Front End Server. Application ...
  48. The Application Sharing Server encountered an error when changing the TLS Certificate. Exception: %1 Cause: Invalid Certificate. ...
  49. The Application Sharing Server encountered an error when requesting credentials from the A/V Authentication Service. A/V ...
  50. The Application Sharing Server failed to send a notification to the Conferencing Focus service. Conference URI: %1, Focus ...
  51. The Application Sharing Server failed to start. Exception: %1 Cause: The failure may be due to configuration issues, or internal ...
  52. The Application Sharing Server has failed to create a conference because of an internal failure. Conference URI: %1 Exception: ...
  53. The Application Sharing Server SIP Listening port is not available. Cause: Sip listening is configured incorrectly. Resolution: ...
  54. The application stopped due to an unhandled exception. The application %1 was stopped because it threw the following exception ...
  55. The application threw an exception when handling a settings event. The application %1 was stopped because it threw the following ...
  56. The application threw an exception while draining. The application %1 threw the following exception when draining:%2. Cause: ...
  57. The application threw an exception while starting. The application %1 threw the following exception when starting: %2. Cause: ...
  58. The application threw an exception while stopping. The application %1 threw the following exception when stopping: %2. Cause: ...
  59. The application was shut down by application request. The application %1 was shut down due to a request from the application. ...
  60. The application was unable to contact management store. The application %1 was unable to contact the management store. The ...
  61. The application was unable to read a setting. The application %1 could not read a setting from the class %2 due to the following ...
  62. The archiving and monitoring settings for this Survivable Branch Appliance have been updated to match the newly associated ...
  63. The Archiving Server is unable to read message from MSMQ queue in a timely fashion. Message queue path: '%1' Cause: This ...
  64. The Archiving Server will record IM conversations for users who are homed on the associated Front End pools. Select the Front ...
  65. The ASMCU was not able to stay connected to the Front End over the C3P channel (HTTPS Connection). The Application Sharing ...
  66. The Asynchronous Task crashed due to an unhandled exception. Unhandled exception in the Asynchronous Task for Storage Adaptor=%1 ...
  67. The attempt to cleanup old log files failed. The attempt to cleanup old log file at location %1 failed due to reason %2 Cause: ...
  68. The attempt to log an entry to the audit logs failed. Entry text: %1 Cause: See previous errors writing audit log files, ...
  69. The attempt to record a transaction logs file failed. The attempt to record a log file at location %1 failed due to reason ...
  70. The Audio Conferencing Provider Server successfully sent health notifications to the MCU factory at %1. Any previous errors ...
  71. The Audio Conferencing Provider Server successfully sent notifications to the focus at %1. Any previous errors have been ...
  72. The audio file "{0}" was not created for this instance of Response Group Service ("{1}"). It was created for the service ...
  73. The Audio-Video Conferencing Server successfully sent health notifications to the MCU factory at %1. Any previous errors ...
  74. The Audio-Video Conferencing Server successfully sent notifications to the focus at %1. Any previous errors have been resolved. ...
  75. The Audio/Video Authentication certificate that is used to generate credentials not found in the computer's certificate store, ...