Windows 7
- A required, unique read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of users for whom access to a URL resource ...
- A required, unique read/write string value that contains a regular expression that defines a resource address or addresses ...
- A required, unique read/write string value that specifies an assembly reference that is used during compilation of an ASP.NET ...
- A required, unique read/write string value that specifies the type and assembly information for an authentication module. ...
- A reservation ensures that a DHCP client is always assigned the same IP address. To add a reservation, on the Action menu, ...
- A resource group that was associated with this policy has been deleted. For this policy to be functional, you must associate ...
- A resource group that was associated with this policy has been deleted. For this policy to be functional, you must associate ...
- A resource manager performed recovery and called ReenlistmentComplete indicating that recovery was complete. However, there ...
- A resource token was issued. Depending on the audit policy, further details of this token may be written to a 10510 event ...
- A resource token was issued. Depending on the audit policy, further details of this token may be written to a 510 event with ...
- A restart is pending because of a feature installation failure. Restart the computer, and then review the migration and Server ...
- A restart of the Server service (also called the LanmanServer service) is required to complete migration. Restart this service ...
- A restore map already exists for the specified component. You can only specify a restore map when performing a full restore. ...
- A restored database file exists but it is older than the existing database file. RD Licensing service will startup with the ...
- A reverse lookup zone translates IP addresses to DNS names. Reverse lookup zones are usually necessary only if programs require ...
- A revert is currently in progress for the specified volume. Another revert cannot be initiated until the current revert completes. ...
- A revocation provider is the component of an Online Responder that processes certificate status requests. To view and edit ...
- A rights policy template defines the rules and conditions applied to content protected by using the template. Archived rights ...
- A rights policy template defines the rules and conditions applied to content protected by using the template. To create a ...
- A rights policy template in this cluster is unavailable because it is no longer trusted. User Action Ensure that all rights ...
- A rollback could not be scheduled because a previously scheduled rollback has already executed or been queued for execution. ...
- A rule has been added to the Windows Firewall exception list. Added Rule: Rule ID: %1 Rule Name: %2 Origin: %3 Active: %18 ...
- A rule has been deleted in the Windows Firewall exception list. Deleted Rule: Rule ID: %1 Rule Name: %2 Modifying User: %3 ...
- A rule has been ignored because its major version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall. Profile: %1 Ignored Rule: ...
- A rule has been listed when the Windows Firewall started. Added Rule: Rule ID: %1 Rule Name: %2 Origin: %3 Active: %18 Direction: ...
- A rule has been modified in the Windows Firewall exception list. Modified Rule: Rule ID: %1 Rule Name: %2 Origin: %3 Active: ...
- A rule has been partially ignored because its minor version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall. Profile: %1 Partially ...
- A running program uses a mirror driver (a type of display driver) which is not compatible with the Aero desktop experience. ...
- A sample TV program that shows scenery, mountain-bike riding, and rafting. Produced by Small World Productions, Tourism New ...
- A SAP announcement was sent over %2 which is configured for multiple networks, but no internal network is configured. This ...
- A scheduled backup has not been configured for this computer. Use the Backup Schedule Wizard to set up a regular, automated ...
- A scheduled task was created. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Task Information: ...
- A scheduled task was deleted. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Task Information: ...
- A scheduled task was disabled. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Task Information: ...
- A scheduled task was enabled. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Task Information: ...
- A scheduled task was updated. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Task Information: ...
- A scheme name must be specified when creating a new scheme. Either specify an existing scheme number or do not use /NUMERICAL. ...
- A scope is a range of IP addresses assigned to computers requesting a dynamic IP address. You must create and configure a ...
- A scope is a range of possible IP addresses for a network. The DHCP server cannot distribute IP addresses to clients until ...
- A scope is the range of possible IP addresses for a network. The DHCP server cannot distribute IP addresses to clients until ...
- A script is accessing some software (an ActiveX control) on this page which has been marked safe for scripting. Do you want ...
- A script is available at the following location to update the service principal names for the following account which are ...
- A script or application on the {0} remote computer is attempting to read the buffer contents on the PowerShell host. This ...
- A script or application on the {0} remote computer is requesting to read a line securely. Enter sensitive information like ...
- A script or application on the {0} remote computer is sending a Prompt request. When prompted, enter sensitive information ...
- A SectionInformation object whose read/write properties provide metadata and control locking for a configuration section. ...
- A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate identifies you as a valid user of the resource. The client may have an old ...
- A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate identifies you as a valid user of the resource. This error can occur if you ...
- A security change for Windows Server 2003 disallowed apps from using SetProp on the Desktop window. This shim caches the ...
- A security descriptor cannot be set. As a result, Remote Desktop Session Host servers might not be able to connect to Remote ...
- A security event source has attempted to register. Primary User Name: %1 Primary Domain: %2 Primary Logon ID: %3 Client User ...
- A security event source has attempted to unregister. Primary User Name: %1 Primary Domain: %2 Primary Logon ID: %3 Client ...
- A Security Group targeting item allows a preference item to be applied to computers or users only if the processing computer ...
- A security header with local name '%1' and namespace '%2' was required, but was not present in the message. The sender may ...
- A security identifier (SID) could not be added to the following object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %3 %4 Internal ...
- A security identifier (SID) for the new local account domain could not be set in the security account manager (SAM) database. ...
- A security identifier (SID) was not returned for one or more accounts. These accounts will not be added. Click Details for ...
- A security rule contains a collection of security actions that are activated when a communication matches the criteria in ...
- A security rule governs how and when security is invoked based upon criteria, such as the source, destination, and type of ...
- A security upgrade is required to play this file. Do you want to download this upgrade? Upgrading may take a few minutes. ...
- A security-disabled global group was changed. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...
- A security-disabled global group was created. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...
- A security-disabled global group was deleted. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...
- A security-disabled local group was changed. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...
- A security-disabled local group was created. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 New ...
- A security-disabled local group was deleted. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...
- A security-disabled universal group was changed. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 ...
- A security-disabled universal group was created. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 ...
- A security-disabled universal group was deleted. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 ...
- A security-enabled global group was changed. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...
- A security-enabled global group was created. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 New ...
- A security-enabled global group was deleted. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Deleted ...
- A security-enabled local group was changed. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...
- A security-enabled local group was created. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 New ...
- A security-enabled local group was deleted. Subject: Security ID: %4 Account Name: %5 Account Domain: %6 Logon ID: %7 Group: ...