Exchange Server 2010

  1. Unable to match the specified hostname "{0}" to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Please retry the command using the ...
  2. Unable to match the specified hostname "{0}" to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The operation failed with Active Directory ...
  3. Unable to mount database "{0}" because its database file is missing. You can recover the database by using a healthy database ...
  4. Unable to mount database '{0}'. The database appears to have been mounted at least once since its creation, but there is ...
  5. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a attachment. Internal parent folder ID: %2, ...
  6. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a attachment. Internal parent folder ID: %2, ...
  7. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a attachment. Parent folder name: %2, parent ...
  8. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a attachment. Parent folder name: %2, parent ...
  9. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a folder. Folder name: %2; Error code: %3. ...
  10. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a folder. Folder name: %2; Error code: %3. ...
  11. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a folder. Internal folder ID: %2; Error code: ...
  12. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a folder. Internal folder ID: %2; Error code: ...
  13. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a message. Internal parent folder ID: %2; ...
  14. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a message. Internal parent folder ID: %2; ...
  15. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a message. Parent folder name: %2; Message ...
  16. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while getting the properties for a message. Parent folder name: %2; Message ...
  17. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attached message. Internal parent folder ID: %2, parent message ...
  18. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attached message. Internal parent folder ID: %2, parent message ...
  19. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attached message. Parent folder name: %2, parent message subject: ...
  20. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attached message. Parent folder name: %2, parent message subject: ...
  21. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attachment. Internal parent folder ID: %2, parent message ...
  22. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attachment. Internal parent folder ID: %2, parent message ...
  23. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attachment. Parent folder name: %2, parent message subject: ...
  24. Unable to move mailbox %1. A problem occurred while opening an attachment. Parent folder name: %2, parent message subject: ...
  25. Unable to move mailbox %1. The rules on a folder are too big for the destination server. Folder name: %2; Error code: %3. ...
  26. Unable to move mailbox %1. The rules on a folder are too big for the destination server. Folder name: %2; Error code: %3. ...
  27. Unable to move mailbox %1. The rules on a folder are too big for the destination server. Internal folder ID: %2; Error code: ...
  28. Unable to move mailbox %1. The rules on a folder are too big for the destination server. Internal folder ID: %2; Error code: ...
  29. Unable to obtain site '{0}' information. Please verify the site configuration and the existence of a Global Catalog in it. ...
  30. Unable to obtain the default naming context or supported capabilities from domain controller '{0}' to perform the suitability ...
  31. Unable to open a cluster handle to any of the Mailbox servers on the Started list, even though the Cluster service was running ...
  32. Unable to open a handle to database availability group {0} because a connection couldn't be made with any servers in the ...
  33. Unable to open previous group metrics file. This is only a cause for concern if it happens more than once per week. Path: ...
  34. Unable to open previous group metrics file. This is only a cause for concern if it happens more than once per week. Path: ...
  35. Unable to parse '{0}'. The value should be Mailbox Guid, Format Version, Database Guid, Flags, Display Name and other attributes ...
  36. Unable to perform synchronization of this folder at this time. Another client is currently performing synchronization of ...
  37. Unable to perform the operation. Either you cannot connect to the specified server or the service you are trying to connect ...
  38. Unable to perform the operation. Either you cannot connect to the specified server or the service you are trying to connect ...
  39. Unable to process a move that deals with separate primary and archive mailboxes because server '{0}' ({1}) doesn't support ...
  40. Unable to process message with internal message ID: %1. Mailbox %2's ForwardingSmtpAddress %3 isn't valid. Active Directory ...
  41. Unable to process message with internal message ID: %1. Mailbox %2's ForwardingSmtpAddress %3 isn't valid. Active Directory ...
  42. Unable to query 'Win32_ComputerSystem' via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on server {0}. Unable to gather data ...
  43. Unable to query the directory on server {0}. User credentials may be incorrect, or you may not have sufficient permissions ...
  44. Unable to query the queue settings on server {2}. User credentials may be incorrect, or there may be a problem with the PowerShell ...
  45. Unable to query the queue settings on server {2}. User credentials may be incorrect, or there may be a problem with the Windows ...
  46. Unable to read from the cluster database. This may occur if the server has recently been removed from the database availability ...
  47. Unable to read page %5 of database %4. Error %6. For more information, click ...
  48. Unable to read page %5 of database %4. Error %6. For more information, click ...
  49. Unable to read target server '{0}' from Active Directory. This is necessary to determine if the activation policy allows ...
  50. Unable to read the configuration of source server '{0}' from Active Directory to determine if the activation policy allows ...
  51. Unable to read the header of database %1. Error %2. The database may have been moved and therefore may no longer be located ...
  52. Unable to read the header of database %1. Error %2. The database may have been moved and therefore may no longer be located ...
  53. Unable to read the header of database %4. Error %5. The database may have been moved and therefore may no longer be located ...
  54. Unable to read the header of database %4. Error %5. The database may have been moved and therefore may no longer be located ...
  55. Unable to read the header of logfile %4. Error %5. For more information, click ...
  56. Unable to read the header of logfile %4. Error %5. For more information, click ...
  57. Unable to read the receive folder for message class '{1}' in .pst file '{0}'. Check the .pst file for possible corruption. ...
  58. Unable to register for Active Directory change notifications. No further action is necessary, although recognition of changes ...
  59. Unable to register for Active Directory change notifications. No further action is necessary, although recognition of changes ...
  60. Unable to resume replication for database '{0}' due to a connection error. The Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy cmdlet will attempt ...
  61. Unable to retrieve server information from Active Directory. User credentials may be incorrect, or server {2} may not be ...
  62. Unable to rollback operation #%4 on database %5. Error: %6. All future database updates will be rejected. For more information, ...
  63. Unable to rollback operation #%4 on database %5. Error: %6. All future database updates will be rejected. For more information, ...
  64. Unable to schedule a log write on log file %4. Error %5. For more information, click ...
  65. Unable to schedule a log write on log file %4. Error %5. For more information, click ...
  66. Unable to set group metrics distribution directory permissions. Could not find %1 in directory. Searched in container: %2 ...
  67. Unable to set group metrics distribution directory permissions. Could not find %1 in directory. Searched in container: %2 ...
  68. Unable to set the SharedConfigurationInfo to organization '{0}' because it wasn't created as a shared configuration organization. ...
  69. Unable to start Microsoft Exchange Information Store database "%1". The max number of send threads has been exceeded. Ensure ...
  70. Unable to start Microsoft Exchange Information Store database "%1". The max number of send threads has been exceeded. Ensure ...
  71. Unable to stop the Cluster service on '{0}'. Cluster state: {1}. You can try to manually stop the Cluster service by running ...
  72. Unable to train mailbox '{0}' because there are not enough messages. Please run Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration to see ...
  73. Unable to transmit long ORAR address '%1' to remote server '%2' over send connector '%3'. Message '%4' will not be delivered ...
  74. Unable to transmit long ORAR address '%1' to remote server '%2' over send connector '%3'. Message '%4' will not be delivered ...
  75. Unable to transmit ORAR information to remote server '%1' over send connector '%2'. Message '%3' will not be delivered to ...